When we launched Health-e Giving earlier this year, we have to admit we weren’t entirely sure how the initiative would go. None of us at the company had spearheaded anything like this before, and we weren’t sure how we could reach our customers or friends in the community to find needs we could fill. But we were thrilled to tackle the challenge, and now, at the end of 2018, it’s fun to reflect on Health-e Giving during its first year.
Health-e Giving impacted us in five ways in 2018. Read on to learn more.
Our first project was World Water Day, a partnership with Food for the Hungry. With partners, vendors, and friends in the community, we were able to raise–and match–enough money to build three wells!
Our second project was a collaboration with The Leader in Me and Hazel Dell Elementary in Southern Washington. This is a continuing process and story where the teachers and other leaders in the school are learning how to empower the students to be leaders in their lives. It’s an inspiring and powerful story, and we can’t wait to watch it as it continues to unfold!
After that, we worked with one of our delightful customers, Kathy McKibbin-Manuel, and one of the organizations she works with–Tacoma Backpack–at the Washington SNA show to match all donations made at the show. These donations are helping supply students materials needed to be successful.
In October, Health-e Pro employee Kari Day took on the incredible task of hosting a hunger project with Feeding Children Everywhere, and in just over an hour, packaged over 35,000 meals with the help of family, friends, and the community! It was an incredible event with dozens of folks asking for a repeat–so stay tuned here for more!
This Fall, we ran our Fall Give-a-thon, another matching event where all donations would be matched by Health-e Giving, and provided to Food for the Hungry to help nourish the world: school gardens, chickens, tree seedlings, a whole farm! This was wonderfully successful and we’re so grateful to each of you who donated and supported this project!
With several other projects in progress, we’re thrilled at the number of projects we’ve be able to be a part of this year and see where our contributions–when partnered with yours–have mattered. Thank you for making Health-e Giving such a success in 2018!