Health-e Giving Blogs

Making a difference in the world

Leader in Me and Hazel Dell (cont. . .)

Leader in Me and Hazel Dell (cont. . .)

When Health-e Giving was launched, Leader in Me was selected as one of the charities with which we’d work, as their goals aligned so perfectly with ours. Within several months, we had conversations with Mychael Irwin, the principal at Hazel Dell, about helping her get...

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Feeding Kids in Belize with Health-e Giving

Feeding Kids in Belize with Health-e Giving

We received quite a few applications through Health-e Giving this year for a myriad of projects and organizations: feeding kids, building leaders, and encouraging community as we look to inspire generosity. One of the organizations to which we offered a grant wanted...

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5 Ways Health-e Giving Impacted Us in 2018

5 Ways Health-e Giving Impacted Us in 2018

  When we launched Health-e Giving earlier this year, we have to admit we weren’t entirely sure how the initiative would go. None of us at the company had spearheaded anything like this before, and we weren’t sure how we could reach our customers or friends in...

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Health-e Giving’s Fall Give-a-thon

Health-e Giving’s Fall Give-a-thon

Have you seen our latest Health-e Giving project? It’s our Fall Give-a-thon and we’re so excited about it! This time of year, with #GivingTuesday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah, is the perfect time to look outward and see where great good can be done. Until...

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Health-e Giving: One Backpack at a Time

Health-e Giving: One Backpack at a Time

We talked with Kathy McKibbin-Manuel  recently to learn more about her experience with Health-e Giving, Health-e Pro’s philanthropic initiative. As the chair of the Washington School Nutrition Association this year, she recently applied for a grant through Health-e...

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Health-e Giving Launched: How We Can Make a Difference, Together

Health-e Giving Launched: How We Can Make a Difference, Together

One of videos we’re asked to watch when we start at Health-e Pro is Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why.” Getting to the why is vitally important: why do we do what we do as a company? How does that set us apart? Once you identify the why, the how, what, and when, naturally...

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